General recommendation on how long to wait between adding pool chemicals is 10-20 minutes. General recommendation on how to long wait until swimming after adding pool chemicals is up to 24 hours. Follow product instructions or ask a pool professional for guidance before swimming after adding pool chemicals. How Long to Wait Between Adding Pool […]
Category: Pool Guide/Care
Winter Pool Maintenance
Learn about the importance of winter pool maintenance, covering your pool, maintaining the equipment, and balancing the chemicals during winter.
You cannot remove algae if you have not removed all the debris from your pool using a net. Then you should add chemicals to the water and brush the walls and the surfaces.
Whether you’re buying a pump for the first time or looking for a replacement, it’s important to carefully evaluate your pool needs. This is mainly because today’s pumps are much more efficient and if you simply go by horsepower ratings, chances are you’ll oversize your pump. So, what size pump do I need for my […]
Solar pool covers otherwise known as solar blankets are swimming pool covers that use the sun’s energy to keep swimming pools warm. But how effective are solar pool covers? Many pool owners are skeptical about the usefulness of covering their pools to retain heat or protect it. Read on for information on pool solar cover […]
Can I Use Bleach In My Pool?
While a pool is one of the best things your backyard could have, it comes with a fair share of responsibilities. For instance, keeping the water chemistry balanced is very important or else it becomes unsafe to swim. Keep your water safe to swim in and clean, by understanding how to shock your pool using […]
It’s a good time to dive into the pool and everything seems right except for those aggressive bubbles shooting out of the return jets on the pool walls. A few bubbles in the pump or pool is normal, but lots of bubbles and noisy churning indicate that you could be having a problem. So, what […]
The in-floor pool cleaning system changes how you keep your pool clean. It is automatic with an integrated cleaning system installed during construction of a pool. Just like its name, its built at the bottom of a swimming pool and has a pump combined with pop-up rotating heads that look like water sprinklers. It also […]
One of the most critical parts of owning a pool is routine pool maintenance. In addition to getting rid of your pool’s dirt and debris, you must understand its chemistry. Without proper pool maintenance, your pool water may turn to a cloudy or green color resulting from a buildup of algae. This change in color […]
You’ve followed all the guidelines on ensuring that your pool is spotless, but one day, you notice that the tiles are stained along the waterline. It’s a common problem pool owners face, but there are several remedies you can try to get rid of it; one of them being cleaning pool tile with baking soda. […]